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JCB Eurovans staff at the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles annual performance award night

Success At The Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle 2023 Annual Performance Award Evening


Last week a number of the JCB Group team travelled to Wales for the annual Volkswagen Commercial Vehicle awards ceremony.

With full confidence in our sites, we were delighted to see how successful as a group we were over the last year 2022. Our Van Centres performed brilliantly, in a year when the brand added the market introduction of Multivan to the model line up and What Car’s Car of the Year went to the ID. Buzz. There was a huge amount of genuine interest in this potentially era-defining new icon.

On stage, Volkswagen CV's Brand Director Cian O’Brien, alongside comedian Geoff Norcott, announced our successes.
Used Van Centre Of The Year was awarded to Eurovans Crawley, with the runner up being Eurovans Eastbourne.
Additionally, the Most Improved Van Centre Of The Year went to Eurovans Eastbourne.
Furthermore, in the top three places for Service and Parts Van Centre of the Year came JCB Sittingbourne.

The topmost award of the night went to Eurovans Crawley again with us coming 2nd place nationally on Overall Van Centre of the Year.

These achievements from each of our sites highlight a tremendous performance from all of our Van Centres and everyone who works at them. Consequently, by a long shot we were categorically the most successful Volkswagen Van Centre business in the UK!

Not only that but we have been in the top 3 for the top-performing Van Centre awards for the last 8 years – winning it 6 of those 8!

A huge congratulations is in order to all of our 2022 annual performance award winners. These awards display what a fantastic company we are, and the level of service we provide to all of our customers. Another shout-out is due for our franchise managers Robin Day - for our Sussex branches and David Willoughby - for our Kent sites.

Jonathan Bischoff, Director of The JCB Group, was delighted that he was there to have seen the awards being given. He noted that “it was a spectacular evening and a great celebration of our sites achievements nationally. I always love seeing our group do well and being celebrated at a national level it is even more rewarding that our sites could be awarded in every category”

Till next year…

To visit our award winning sites for yourself, please find your nearest Van Centre.