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The Car Of The Future - JCB Group Drawing Competition


We asked our youngest Facebook followers to design a car of the future to see what great ideas the young automotive engineers of the future might come up with. We were delighted with the imagination of the range of entries!

Our JCB Marketing team had great fun judging this.

Thank you to those who took part in our ‘car of the future JCB Group drawing competition’. The Winner was Isabella (age 6) with her Flower-Corn Car. Her car of the future was powered by grass & the wheels spin through 360 degrees, enabling her car to fit in any small spaces for easy driving and parking. What a great idea!

Isabella will receive a £100 Smyths toy store voucher and a large jar of sweets.

In Second place was Miya, with her bright and colourful car of the future, with slushies powering her vehicle and feathers for exhaust fumes. Miya will be receiving our wonderful JCB VW bear.

Children's car design competition
Children's car design competition