If your financial circumstances worsen, there are resources available to help you find a way forward.
Help yourself by reaching out to one of many support structures
In addition to this, if you have your vehicle on finance or have a monthly pay service plan and are finding difficulty with repayments, please, make your dealership aware.
Debts can be managed effectively through budgeting, prioritising repayments, negotiating with creditors, seeking professional advice, and exploring debt-management plans or debt consolidation options.
Debt repayment options include creating a repayment plan, negotiating with creditors for reduced payments or settlements, considering debt consolidation, and seeking assistance from debt-management providers.
Creditors may accept a repayment plan, but it will depend on various factors, such as the creditor's policies, your financial situation, and the proposed repayment terms. For further advice, please speak to a debt specialist such as MoneyHelper, National Debtline or StepChange.
Assets can be protected during debt resolution by understanding exemption laws, considering legal structures like trusts, seeking freely available debt advice, and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.