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Everything you need to know about looking after your used car

After careful deliberation and weighing up the pros and cons of each car that you looked at, you finally managed to settle on a car. You went through all the paperwork, paid for the car and it’s finally yours! You have successfully purchased a used car. The next step is ensuring that your car is being looked after well, as an older vehicle it may need a little extra attention but you’ll be rewarded with long-term ownership of your smooth running used car.

Get regular MOTs and Services

Like with any vehicle, it’s important to get your vehicle checked regularly to identify any issues so they can be resolved as quickly as possible. It is recommended that within the first few weeks of purchasing your used car to get it serviced, however, if your used car is a JCB approved used car, it will have had extensive workshop checks and depending on the service history, may not need a service for several months. Routine checks and servicing can expose any issues that you may not have been aware of as well as checking crucial elements such as your car’s suspension, lights and brakes. it is advised that you should get your vehicle services once a year to keep your car well maintained and in a high-quality condition.

Keep it clean

It might sound a little obvious, but keeping your car clean, inside and out, can help to reduce the number of issues that can build up. By keeping the interior clean and cleaning leather or vinyl materials within the vehicle with a professional standard cleanser, you can ensure that your car will be in much better shape. It also prevents your car from having that musty smell that can stick around when you don’t clean your car’s interior as often as you should.

Keep Your Liquids Topped Up

When it comes to your car, particularly a used car, there are elements that need to be monitored and checked frequently including water, oil, coolant and antifreeze. As a car owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that these are checked and topped up as and when it is required. When you first get your used car you should give the levels of all liquids an initial check, depending on how often you drive your vehicle, it is recommended that you check the levels of these liquids at least once a month.

At the JCB Group, we offer the JCB Group Service Plan, designed to keep your vehicle in the best condition. Not only is it affordable and available for all used cars, but you also get free MOT tests when you bring the vehicle to us for its MOT. For more information about our used cars and our service plan, get in touch today.